Happy Week 3 of Fall Semester everyone, and welcome to Development Corner! For those of you new to TP, Development Corner is a space where myself and lovely intern Lissa, will be relaying all kinds of resources from self-care as college students to navigating professionalism. Today, read to hear about how you can show kindness to yourself this week and some helpful mindfulness recommendations!
It’s ironic that as I’m writing this, I’m actually recovering from a cold! But something that I’m in the process of learning is that self care doesn’t look the same all across the board. Because we all find relief, rest, and fulfillment from different things, and I implore you to look within yourself and identify just one tangible kind thing you can do for yourself everyday this week. It doesn’t have to be anything life changing— just one thing you can do to show the kindness to yourself that you deserve.
For me, I want to give myself fifteen minutes of a day of just me time, doing something I really enjoy and get happiness from. 15 seems like a small number, but when it gets busy, it feels like a number I can’t spare.
Feel free to reach out to me @kaligaen@usc.edu if you want to share your progress over this week! I would be more than glad to support you and hear about it <3
Connections & Opportunities:
I’m in the process of reviving our LinkedIn! Please be sure to connect with us so that we can expand our network! I have plans to make it a community space for both TP Alumni and current TP members! I would love to spotlight any of our members on our page as well so be sure to be on the lookout for that.
If you would like me to review and go over your resume, please fill out this form!
Mindful USC App
I recently downloaded this for PHED:119, an Introduction to Mindfulness course that I just added to my schedule this week! For those of you new to meditation or interested in it at all, this is such a great resource that I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend! It really caters to the individual person. For example, it features a daily check in section for your emotions, a section to track your values, and meditations for all kinds of purposes. There is even a College Student Life Playlist featuring meditations titled “Letting Go” and “Resilience to Do Your Best.”
According to the Provost Office, “Mindful USC offers a wide variety of mindfulness-related classes, retreats and events that provide students, faculty, and staff with valuable tools to navigate the challenges and opportunities of university life!” These free classes have opened up, so be sure to take advantage of the opportunity and sign up while you can!
Need a quiet place to study? The KCLC is located on the third floor of the Student Union Building, room 311. They even have their own designated quiet room for students. As a center designated to empower students and their success, I highly recommend checking them out!
I hope that you’ve been able to ease into these past few weeks on campus. We loved getting to see you all at our first GM this past Thursday, and can’t wait to see you back this week for Kyrayla Office Hours on Tuesday (there will be Pinoy snacks!!!) and GM 2: Friendship Games Hype for TP Thursday!
Self-care to me looks like spending quality time with my loved ones in serene places!
All my love,
Amazing work, Kyra!!